a weekly new music and experimental sound series every sunday
presented by new performance traditions and sfSound

dresher ensemble studio :: 2201 poplar street, oakland california
$10-$25 sliding scale (cash & venmo accepted at door - order advance here)
ample parking! please park perpendicular when past the trees on poplar
:: late arrivals follow instructions on door to get buzzed in ::

sunday september 22, 2024 elliott carter 3x2: triple/double duo/trios
monday september 23, 2024 special event: wendy reid ambient bird / brenda hutchinson dailybell
sunday september 29, 2024 teorema bertoli (it) + tom lane (ger) + (oak) reduction orch

performance proposals

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 SEPTEMBER 22 2024  7pm  $10-$25
click here to purchase advance tickets ($20) online


Join sfSoundGroup for an evening celebrating the music of ELLIOTT CARTER, featuring sextets, trios, and duos that span 70 years of his career. Don’t miss this opportunity to experience the creativity and innovation of one of the 20th century’s most remarkable composers.

Sam Weiser, violin
Monica Scott, cello
Kjell Nordeson, percussion
Hadley McCarroll, piano
Brendan Lai-Tong, trombone
John Ingle, alto saxophone, conductor
Matt Ingalls, clarinets
Diane Grubbe, flutes
Tom Dambly, trumpet

Double Trio
for trumpet, trombone, percussion, piano, violin and cello (2011, 8m)

Triple Duo
for flute, clarinet, percussion, piano, violin and cello (1983, 20m)

Con leggerezza pensosa
for clarinet, violin, and cello (1990, 5m)

Esprit rude/esprit doux II
for flute, clarinet, and marimba (1994, 4m)

for alto saxophone and piano (1940, 10m)

for cello and piano (1948, 20m)

 SEPTEMBER 23 2024  6PM to 7:03PM (sunset)
  A FREE EVENT at Live Oak Park (1301 Shattuck Ave. Berkeley)

with sfSound & The Bird Ensemble

WENDY REID'S AMBIENT BIRD - Live Oak 2024 is a 44-minute interspecies sonic landscape/ambient environment which reflects a philosophy of connecting with all living creatures and the environment. The ensemble is made up of experimental musicians who blend various approaches - traditional, improvisational, acoustic electronic, and ambient - alongside the natural environment, creating a collaborative and inclusive space where all are welcome to listen, engage and contribute to the evolving soundscape. The structure of this work can be described as a musical process which attempts to reflect nature’s manner of operations: sonic fragments of an African grey parrot (Lulu) become the musical material of a spatially notated score to be interpreted and performed by the musicians within the ambient environment. Contextual in nature, the work allows performers to act according to unpredictable conditions and variables which arise within the musical continuity.In performance, an attempt is made at a spontaneous unforced growing of sound and silence in which emphasis is placed on formation rather than pre-established form, as in the building and shaping of cell-like units in living processes. This site-specific piece, as with its first incantation entitled Ambient Bird 433, pays homage to John Cage’s composition 4’33” (1952).

At sunset, BRENDA HUTCHINSON will lead lead everyone in bell ringing, celebrating the equinox. Dailybell, created by composer and sound artist Brenda Hutchinson in 2008, is an ongoing aspirational project based on the premise that something as inarguable as the movement of the Earth can be used as a point of unity and awareness among large groups of people who might otherwise find it impossible to agree. For this work, you will be one of the musicians as well!

The precise location of the performance will be just north of the recreation/theatre building, near the creek under the trees. There is no formal seating: stand and watch or wander, sit on the grass, ground, steps, distant picnic tables or bring your own chair/blanket. Special Thanks to Shallon Allen (City of Berkeley), Silvia Matheus (videographer), Phil Perkins (location audio engineer), Edward Morse (technical assistance), and the musicians.

Lulu, african grey parrot
Wendy Reid, violin
Krys Bobrowski, glisglas
Brenda Hutchinson, long tube
Aurora Josephson, voice
Ron Heglin, tuba
David Samas, percussion
Kanoko Nishi-Smith, koto
Ben Davis, cello Tom Dambly, trumpet
Matt Ingalls, clarinets
Diane Grubbe, flute
Brendan Lai-Tong, trombone
John Ingle, saxophone

 SEPTEMBER 29 2024  7pm  $10-$25
click here to purchase advance tickets ($20) online


TEOREMA BERTOLI (Italy) and TOM LANE (Germany) have been collaborating since 2002, in duo, in other ensemble, eg. the ensemble]h[iatus and in various multimedia projects. The special feature of the duo is the alchemy created by the meeting of the classical and the electronic instrument. The different nature of sound, the characteristics and histories of violin and analogue synthesizer could recall a friction. Actually, what happens is a sort of mirror game, in which the roles of the instruments are continuously exchanged. BERTOLI and LANE move in an abstract territory, their approach to sound is contemporary. Nevertheless their consideration to music is quite classical insofar as based principally on tension/release, rupture, intensity and expressivity in all its facets. Their first duo CD release was highly praised in numerous reviews.

The concert concludes with the duo joining THE OAKLAND REDUCTIONIST ORCHESTRA in an improvised set. A supergroup of local musicians with a predilection for lowercase/fricative/reductionist acoustic improvisation that often sounds more electronic than acoustic, this ensemble grows out of a rich tradition of "American reductionist" music that flourished in the late 1990's and early 2000's. Previous projects like Tom Djll's Grosse Abfahrt and The Jack Wright Large Ensemble Eight By Nine document the Bay Area's contribution to the genre.

Hallie Smith, violin
Danishta Rivero, voice
Cody Putman, bassoon
Lisa Mezzacappa, bass
Joshua Marshall, tenor saxophone
Kevin CK Lo, violin/flute/piano
Cheryl E. Leonard, natural-object instruments
John Ingle, saxophones
Matt Ingalls, clarinets
Ron Heglin, tuba
Diane Grubbe, flutes
Sarah Grace Graves, voice
Jacob Felix Heule, percussion
Tom Djll, trumpet
Kevin Corcoran, percussion
Chris Cooper, objects, electronics


Our focus is on the bay area experimental and new music community, hopefully encouraging crossover among sub-scenes (composition and improvisation; established and emerging; institutional and underground; etc.) We strongly suggest local musicians attend concerts before requesting to perform on the series. Visiting aritsts are also welcome, ideally splitting a concert with local musicians.

We are also seeking compositions (in all forms of notation) to be performed by the sfSoundGroup.

We have a 92-key (down to a Low F!) 1953 Bösendorfer 7’4” Model 225 Piano (no sostenuto pedal; inside/prepared is OK). The venue hosts a Meyer Sound System, drum kit, additional piano, lighting, and projection equipment.

Please send proposals to mattingalls@me.com.

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